This project shows a popup:
- When mouse leaves the screen (only working on desktop)
- or after scrolling 50% of page height
- or after 10 seconds
It uses pure Javascript (no jQuery).
To make it work on your project:
1. Copy the popup__wrapper element to your project.
2. Set it to display:flex and style it as you want
Note: Only requirement is to keep these 3 elements: popup__wrapper, popup__close-btn, popup__js-code. They are required for the Javascript to work
3. Set it back to display:none
4. Create a symbol and add it on all the pages you want (or in your footer)
Note: No code is required to be added on site or page settings, all the code is embedded in the Webflow elements
You can edit the Javascript code in the popup__js-code embed element to change the popup behavior:
- To change the number of days before showing the popup again after it is closed ; change the number 1 in this code line:
Cookies.set('popup-wf', 'value', { expires: 1 })
- To change the percentage of screen scrolled before it shows the popup ; change the number 50 in the below code line:
- To change the number of milliseconds before showing the popup ; change the number 10000 in the below code line:
setTimeout("showWfPopup()", 10000);
- To change the number of days before showing the popup again after a successful form submission, change the number 500 in the below code line:
Cookies.set('popup-wf', 'value', { expires: 500 });
If your popup contains a newsletter subscription form for example, you might want to not show the popup again after a successful form submission.
To do this:
1. Add id 'popup_success' to the Success Message element of your form in the Webflow element settings
2. Uncomment the below Javascript code in the popup__js-code embed element:
// Add event to not show the popup again if the form is submitted successfully
popup_wf_sucess = document.getElementById('popup_success');
if(popup_wf_sucess != null)
var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
mutations.forEach(function(mutationRecord) {
if (mutationRecord.type === 'attributes'){
var style_attr = popup_wf_sucess.getAttribute("style");
if(style_attr != null && style_attr.replace(/\s+/g, '').includes('display:block')){
// Creates cookie expiring 500 days later
Cookies.set('popup-wf', 'value', { expires: 500 });
} } }); });
observer.observe(popup_wf_sucess, { attributes : true, attributeFilter : ['style'] });
Using the js-cookie open-source library
Created by Julien Vanwinsberghe from SOYOO (Webflow web agency based in Reunion island)